About This Course
Enjoy these Benefits and Discover How Sound Therapy Helps Improve Mental and Physical Health!
Study Sound Therapy Online Courses; Learn Art of Using Sound for Healing
The Sound Therapy Online Course was written to explain how sound can be used as a natural treatment. The practice of healing with sound is a unique and traditional approach of reorganizing energy for personal benefit. This program will teach you how to utilize sound therapy instruments and why these are so effective.
Our course will explain in great depth why chimes and other similar sound kinds provide a calming effect. This is the course for you if you want to understand the different energies we possess and how it influences our life.
The Sound Therapy Online Course will show you the power of sound as a foundation for personal and business growth. This course can help you build a wonderful natural therapy business or even acquire a new skill. The course will demonstrate the power of sound as a foundation for personal advancement.
What are the benefits of Studying the Sound Therapy Courses?
Whilst ancient healers have used sound therapy for hundreds of years, in the West, we seem to be finally catching on. This is likely because science and energy healing are finally drawing parallel in their findings. This is a fantastic eye opener of a course, regardless of your reason for study. The course can be used for your own learning or to start a new career in Sound Therapy. The benefits of this course include:
Physical and emotional healing.
Energy circulation is restored.
Improve self-confidence and self-esteem.
Improve sleep and relaxation.
Increase focus and productivity.
Why You Need This Sound Therapy Course
Are you looking to dive deeper into the ancient art of sound therapy? The Sound Therapy course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the practices of sound and integrate sound healing into their healing arts practice. This comprehensive course includes understanding the physics of sound and learning how sound healing techniques can benefit mental and physical health.
Through the course, you will learn how music therapy and sound therapy can improve health and wellbeing. You will gain an in-depth understanding of sound frequency and how different musical instruments can create healing sounds. You will also learn how to incorporate singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, Koshi chimes, and tuning forks into your sound healing practices.
The course includes a variety of playing techniques that you can use as a professional sound healer, including crystal bowls and healing sounds created by the voice. You will learn how to use sound to balance energy centers in the body, including the heart chakra and solar plexus.
The Sound Therapy course also covers theoretical and practical aspects of sound, hold space for healing sessions, and proper techniques for sound therapy training. This comprehensive course will provide you with an understanding of sound therapy that will make you feel confident as a sound therapist.
Throughout the course, you will be supported by the trained professionals of the Sound Healing Academy, and you will receive a practitioner certification upon the successful completion of the course.
The Sound Therapy Course is available entirely online, making it easy to understand, and its in-person training courses or teacher training ensures that participants receive a comprehensive understanding of sound frequency therapy and the art of sound therapy. The online course includes an easy-to-understand guide for therapeutic sound, including sound baths and sound ceremonies.
The Sound Therapy Course is the perfect course for anyone interested in pursuing a career in sound therapy or adding sound healing techniques to their current practice. It's one of the few diploma courses for sound therapy training and benefits professionals, including massage therapy professionals, life coaches, and healing practitioners. Its comprehensive teachings and online sound healing courses make it easy to access, and you will gain new skills and knowledge that will be invaluable for your practice.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Approximately 20 hours of study is needed to complete the course
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Sound Therapy Courses
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
Sound Therapy Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction
We'll look at sound therapy in this module, starting with a general overview of the practice's definition. The history of sound therapy will be discussed next, followed by who is a good candidate for sound treatment.
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is a term that refers to a variety of therapies that employ sound to treat emotional, physical, and mental issues. To achieve therapeutic results, sound therapy employs sound, music, and musical instruments.
Types of Brainwaves
● Beta
● Alpha
● Theta
● Delta
Entrainment's significance stems from its ability to enhance synchronization and awareness. Patients are synchronized to external noises and rhythms by entrainment.
History of Sound Therapy
Indigenous societies all throughout the world have long employed various ceremonies incorporating sound as a focal point in their healing rituals. Human voices (often chanting or singing), drumming, clapping, or rhythmic gestures are all used in these ceremonies to create vibrations.
Ancient Roots
Sound therapy has roots in many cultures and areas around the world, dating back thousands of years. The Australian aboriginal tribes, Native Americans, Indians, African tribes, and Amazonian South American tribes were among the most notable.
Focused Meditation
In their meditative sessions, various meditation methods use sounds from instruments or chants. Tibetan singing bowls are frequently used in Transcendental Meditation (TM). In guided meditations, sound baths have become particularly popular. Vibrations felt throughout the body are included in the exercise, as well as auditory vibrations.
Candidates for Sound Therapy
Individuals with mild to severe medical disorders may benefit from sound therapy, depending on their situation. It has been shown to help with the symptoms of both minor illnesses and more serious injuries. It can also help people who have mobility problems.
Gaining Traction
People seeking novel ways to ease stress and anxiety have turned to sound therapy in recent years. Yoga studios, alternative-healing facilities, and clinical practices that provide sound treatment can be found in most major cities in modern cultures.
Module 2: Benefits of Sound Therapy
Stress has just been identified as a risk factor for disease, according to new studies. As a result, treatments that focus on mind-body relaxation, such as sound therapy, are critical in helping to alleviate stress.
Common Conditions
Sound therapy is used to treat a wide range of medical issues, from minor ailments to more serious illnesses. The following is not an exhaustive list of conditions that are commonly treated with sound therapy.
● Dementia
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Learning Difficulties
Benefits of Sound Therapy
Everyone's experience will be unique, and new symptoms may emerge in addition to those already present. Each session is focused on resolving the recognized issue as well as any potential hidden ones. The goal of a sound healing session is to induce a state of healing and relaxation so that the healing process may begin, or a condition of serenity can be achieved.
Snoezelen Therapy
Alzheimer's sufferers are treated with Snoezelen (or multi-sensory) therapy. Light, sound, fragrances, and music are all examples of multi-sensory experiences. The treatment's goal is to provide clients with a calming setting that may help them heal. Snoezelen therapy is carried out in dedicated rooms where patients engage with sound beams to create music (waves).
Music Therapy
In recent years, the medical establishment and society at large have become increasingly accepting of music therapy. When it comes to stress reduction and mood alteration, music therapy has been proved to be extremely useful. The act of calmly listening has been proved to have numerous health benefits.
Focused Ultrasound (FUS)
FUS is a non-invasive, breakthrough treatment technology. It's a game-changing treatment for a wide range of significant medical conditions, including tumors and fibroids. It's a device that employs sound waves to cure a variety of diseases, both severe and minor. Because the sound waves are non-invasive, outpatient treatment is frequently possible.
Module 3: What Is Sound?
When items vibrate, they produce sound. This vibration is sent to the ears as energy waves. Vibrations travel across a variety of media, including solid, liquid, and gas. Vibrations that are stronger produce louder sounds. The power of the sound is also affected by distance.
How We Hear
The eardrum vibrates as sound vibrations enter the outer ear and interact with it. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup ossicle bones of the middle ear create bigger vibrations within the inner ear, amplifying vibrations entering the ear before they reach the auditory nerve.
How Sound is Formed
A sound is a type of energy that is generated by the vibration of matter. The oscillatory (back-and-forth) movement of matter is known as vibration. When an object vibrates, it causes a chain reaction in the molecules around it. When these molecules collide, their neighbors begin to vibrate as well.
Purpose of Sound
We are constantly surrounded by sound. It irritates us at times. Sometimes we adore it, and sometimes we despise it. The ability to hear noises and the ability to create them are critical for human and animal life. Sound plays an important role in our ability to convey information and learn from one another, for both people and animals.
Influence of Sound
Humans and animals' lives have been shaped by sound and the ability to hear. When our vision is limited at night and our vision is limited, it is our sense of hearing that permits us to detect danger. It is possible for sounds to become unpleasant. Noise is what we call it when this happens. Music, on the other hand, refers to sounds that have an established pattern.
Module 4: The Human Ear
Perceiving Sound
Hearing is controlled by the ear and auditory system, which also contributes to our capacity to maintain balance. Damaged or lost hearing, as well as poor balance, can occur if something goes wrong with the ear. The auditory nerve in the centrum transfers the sound created by vibrating objects to sound waves passing through the air to electrical impulses through a complicated sequence of steps.
The Auditory System
The peripheral (outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear) and central (auditory nerve and connections to the brain) systems make up the auditory system.
● Outer Ear
● Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
● Inner Ear
How the Ear Works
The vibrations of a sound made in the outside environment move to the outer ear. The vibrations travel to the eardrum via the external ear canal. Vibrations are felt in the eardrum. The vibrations go to the middle ear, where they are picked up by the ossicle bones. The sound waves are magnified and transmitted to the inner ear by the small ossicle bones.
The Central Auditory System
The auditory nerve sends electrical signals to the brain, which the brain converts into a sound that humans can distinguish. From the medulla to the cerebral cortex, the central auditory circuits link. They are made up of nuclei (nervous cell bodies) that are joined by fiber tracts made up of their axons. This intricate network of nerve cells aids in the processing and transmission of auditory information.
Module 5: Chakra Energy
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are the body's energy systems. From its Hindu origins, the word "chakra" means "wheel." There are seven major chakras in the body. They go from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The chakras are generally associated with our energetic bodies. Their relationship to the physical body is now understood to be through the endocrine system.
The Endocrine System
Glands make up the endocrine system. These glands create hormones and send them to specific regions of the body to perform specific functions. Each gland is responsible for a different hormone. Some hormones affect mood, while others control growth and reproduction. The gland is in charge of determining when and how much hormone is released into the bloodstream.
● The Root Chakra (Muladhara)
● The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
● The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
● The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
● The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
● The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
● The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Chakra Sounds
Chakras are said to resonate. During therapy sessions, particular vowels or mantras are repeated to elicit a therapeutic reaction. These mantras and chants are thousands of years old and come from the Indian Vedic culture. They are used to align the chakras and remove any obstructions.
Chakras and Associated Mantras
● Root chakra
● Sacral chakra
● Solar Plexus
Module 6: Voice Therapy
What is Voice Therapy?
Language and speech treatment includes voice therapy. It entails the application of a variety of techniques to treat communication and speech impairments. Speech pathologists are the standard term for voice therapists. Their goal is to figure out what causes and influences vocal difficulties, as well as possible treatment options.
What is a voice problem?
Word formation difficulty, loudness, pitch, and flow concerns, pain when speaking, stuttering, and so on are all examples of voice problems. Anything that interferes with one's ability to speak in whole sentences and at a regular pitch is considered a voice problem.
Common Voice Disorders
● Functional voice disorders
● Organic voice disorders
Elements of Voice Therapy
Both direct and indirect strategies are used in voice therapy. Attention and adjustment to posture and alignment, as well as behavioral alterations and cognitive modifications, are examples of indirect approaches. Indirect voice therapy approaches are frequently used with direct voice therapy techniques. Vocal operations, voice prosthesis implants, and breathing techniques are examples of direct techniques.
Chant Speech Voice Therapy
Chanting or chanting-style music provides for the practice and maintenance of a consistent rhythm and pattern. Too high, too low, or gravelly pitch are all common issues. Chant treatment aims to directly affect the condition. Maintaining a constant tone allows the practitioner to gain a better understanding of pitch control. During chant speaking, pitch changes are critical.
Resonant Voice Therapy
Voice production is aided through resonant voice therapy. When singers and actors need to improve their voices, they frequently adopt this therapy. Resonant voice treatment is a technique that minimizes the vibration of the vocal cords against each other in order to begin the healing process and lessen vocal cord stress.
Physiologic Voice Therapy
Physiologic voice therapy is frequently regarded as a comprehensive therapeutic option. The three systems of voice production: resonance, breathing, and phonation are the main focus. This therapy involves modeling and going through recitations, soliloquy, and ordinary speech to practice enunciation. This technique can be utilized to help with abdominal breathing and to relieve unpleasant muscular tensing.
Module 7: Instruments
In this part, we'll look at the instruments that are most commonly used in sound therapy. Healing instruments' sounds can be quite helpful in curing people. The centuries-old practice is backed up by scientific facts. We'll look at four instruments in this unit: gongs, tuning forks, singing bowls, and drums.
Gongs are a form of sound meditation healing instrument that has been around for a long time. Gongs are both a core aspect of sound therapy and an important part of Buddhist meditation. They are performed by a percussionist who uses a mallet or beater to strike the gong. This results in a resonant sound that may be heard as well as felt.
Tuning Forks
This instrument is made of metal and makes sound at a set vibration frequency (pitch). Different sections of the body can be targeted by these vibrations. This technique is intended to aid with emotional balance as well as musculoskeletal discomfort and stress. It pinpoints and stimulates specific locations using sound frequency. The tuning fork is a highly precise instrument.
Singing bowls, often known as singing or healing bowls, are a type of singing bowl. When it comes to sound healing, they're crucial instruments. They're also crucial in Hinduism and Buddhism, among other religions.
Sound therapists also use drum therapy, which is an ancient art form. It encourages self-expression via rhythm and flow. Drumming has been found in studies to improve immune system health and overall well-being. It is a beneficial physical activity because it helps the body to interact with the instrument's vibrations.
Module 8: Complementary Therapies
We'll talk about complementary therapies and how they connect to sound therapy in this part. Complementary refers to a group of objects that work together to improve each other's features. There are several alternative medicine methods that compliment each other nicely. Kinesiology, meridian therapy, and acupuncture are examples of sound therapy.
The study of human movement and how it affects health and well-being is known as kinesiology. In a word, kinesiology examines the body's persistent stress reactions and aids in the body's natural healing capacities. Nervous system disorders can have a negative impact on muscle strength. These issues are reported to be alleviated by kinesiology.
Meridian Therapy
Meridian therapy is concerned with energy, commonly known as Qi. The energetic lines are divided into Yin and Yang, as well as organs. The Qi energetic centers and lines, unlike the blood circulation system, are not tangible. There are twelve meridian channels, as well as major Yin and Yang channels.
Acupuncture is a technique for balancing energies that flow through the body's channels (meridians). The exercise is intended to rebalance the flow of energy. A harmonious balance of energies is the foundation of good health. Acupuncture and sound healing help people de-stress and relax more, as well as break down body stagnation.
Module 9: Sound Therapy Careers
In this section, we'll look at sound therapy careers and significant aspects to think about before starting your path as a sound therapist, such as study options, employment availability, and pay scale.
Sound Healing Careers
The premise of sound healing is that sound and vibrations may heal and transform consciousness. Participants in sound healing training and professional courses will gain the information and skills necessary to masterfully use the tools of the trade. People of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from sound healing. Both the therapist and the client benefit from it.
Certificate and degree programs in sound healing treatment are available. These programs are offered by specialist schools and institutes. Sound healing programs are also being offered at certain traditional schools, including both theoretical and practical instruction. Standard music therapy degrees are available from a variety of colleges, institutions, and universities in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Duration of Study
An associate's degree usually takes two years to accomplish. Bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete. The duration of sound healing programs and courses at specialist institutes varies. Expect to put in around 200 hours of fundamental practice time and course work on average.
Tuition and Salary
Because the training and amount of hours necessary for a program range from one institution to the next, tuition for sound healing courses varies. Tuition is typically between $2,500 and $4,000. Traditional institutions bill students based on the number of credit hours they have taken.
Career Outlook
Alternative care facilities and healing approaches will become increasingly important as the population ages. People are becoming increasingly concerned about medications and their potentially harmful side effects. Sound therapists are a subset of recreational therapists, which is a larger category. They mostly work in hospitals and retirement homes for the elderly.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction
- Sound Therapy
- Types of Brainwaves
- Entrainment
- History of Sound Therapy
- Ancient Roots
- Focused Meditation
- Candidates for Sound Therapy
- Gaining Traction
Module 2: Benefits of Sound Therapy
- Goals
- Common Conditions
- Benefits of Sound Therapy
- Snoezelen Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Focused Ultrasound (FUS)
Module 3: What Is Sound?
- How We Hear
- How Sound is Formed
- Purpose of Sound
- Influence of Sound
Module 4: The Human Ear
- Perceiving Sound
- The Auditory System
- How the Ear Works
- The Central Auditory System
Module 5: Chakra Energy
- What Are Chakras?
- The Endocrine System
- Chakras
- Chakra Sounds
- Chakras and Associated Mantras
Module 6: Voice Therapy
- What is Voice Therapy?
- What is a voice problem?
- Common Voice Disorders
- Elements of Voice Therapy
- Chant Speech Voice Therapy
- Resonant Voice Therapy
- Physiologic Voice Therapy
Module 7: Instruments
- Gongs
- Tuning Forks
- Bowls
- Drums
Module 8: Complementary Therapies
- Kinesiology
- Meridian Therapy
- Acupuncture
Module 9: Sound Therapy Careers
- Sound Healing Careers
- Education
- Duration of Study
- Tuition and Salary
- Career Outlook
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Sound Therapy Online Certificate Course
"A great fundamental course providing a general understanding and basis behind Sound Therapy and how it can help. It was great learning and understanding how it works through the ear, other complementary therapies, and how it helps people. Thank you, it reinforces my interest to do further studies into Sound Therapy." - Sally G. Verified Buyer.
With our Sound Therapy Certification course, you will learn the basics and advantages of sound therapy and how it can improve health and wellness.
Bundle Up & Save - Learn More and Save More when you Upgrade to the Mega Bundle below & Save 98%
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration:20 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
Enjoy these Benefits and Discover How Sound Therapy Helps Improve Mental and Physical Health!
Study Sound Therapy Online Courses; Learn Art of Using Sound for Healing
The Sound Therapy Online Course was written to explain how sound can be used as a natural treatment. The practice of healing with sound is a unique and traditional approach of reorganizing energy for personal benefit. This program will teach you how to utilize sound therapy instruments and why these are so effective.
Our course will explain in great depth why chimes and other similar sound kinds provide a calming effect. This is the course for you if you want to understand the different energies we possess and how it influences our life.
The Sound Therapy Online Course will show you the power of sound as a foundation for personal and business growth. This course can help you build a wonderful natural therapy business or even acquire a new skill. The course will demonstrate the power of sound as a foundation for personal advancement.
What are the benefits of Studying the Sound Therapy Courses?
Whilst ancient healers have used sound therapy for hundreds of years, in the West, we seem to be finally catching on. This is likely because science and energy healing are finally drawing parallel in their findings. This is a fantastic eye opener of a course, regardless of your reason for study. The course can be used for your own learning or to start a new career in Sound Therapy. The benefits of this course include:
Physical and emotional healing.
Energy circulation is restored.
Improve self-confidence and self-esteem.
Improve sleep and relaxation.
Increase focus and productivity.
Why You Need This Sound Therapy Course
Are you looking to dive deeper into the ancient art of sound therapy? The Sound Therapy course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the practices of sound and integrate sound healing into their healing arts practice. This comprehensive course includes understanding the physics of sound and learning how sound healing techniques can benefit mental and physical health.
Through the course, you will learn how music therapy and sound therapy can improve health and wellbeing. You will gain an in-depth understanding of sound frequency and how different musical instruments can create healing sounds. You will also learn how to incorporate singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, Koshi chimes, and tuning forks into your sound healing practices.
The course includes a variety of playing techniques that you can use as a professional sound healer, including crystal bowls and healing sounds created by the voice. You will learn how to use sound to balance energy centers in the body, including the heart chakra and solar plexus.
The Sound Therapy course also covers theoretical and practical aspects of sound, hold space for healing sessions, and proper techniques for sound therapy training. This comprehensive course will provide you with an understanding of sound therapy that will make you feel confident as a sound therapist.
Throughout the course, you will be supported by the trained professionals of the Sound Healing Academy, and you will receive a practitioner certification upon the successful completion of the course.
The Sound Therapy Course is available entirely online, making it easy to understand, and its in-person training courses or teacher training ensures that participants receive a comprehensive understanding of sound frequency therapy and the art of sound therapy. The online course includes an easy-to-understand guide for therapeutic sound, including sound baths and sound ceremonies.
The Sound Therapy Course is the perfect course for anyone interested in pursuing a career in sound therapy or adding sound healing techniques to their current practice. It's one of the few diploma courses for sound therapy training and benefits professionals, including massage therapy professionals, life coaches, and healing practitioners. Its comprehensive teachings and online sound healing courses make it easy to access, and you will gain new skills and knowledge that will be invaluable for your practice.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Approximately 20 hours of study is needed to complete the course
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Sound Therapy Courses
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
Sound Therapy Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction
We'll look at sound therapy in this module, starting with a general overview of the practice's definition. The history of sound therapy will be discussed next, followed by who is a good candidate for sound treatment.
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is a term that refers to a variety of therapies that employ sound to treat emotional, physical, and mental issues. To achieve therapeutic results, sound therapy employs sound, music, and musical instruments.
Types of Brainwaves
● Beta
● Alpha
● Theta
● Delta
Entrainment's significance stems from its ability to enhance synchronization and awareness. Patients are synchronized to external noises and rhythms by entrainment.
History of Sound Therapy
Indigenous societies all throughout the world have long employed various ceremonies incorporating sound as a focal point in their healing rituals. Human voices (often chanting or singing), drumming, clapping, or rhythmic gestures are all used in these ceremonies to create vibrations.
Ancient Roots
Sound therapy has roots in many cultures and areas around the world, dating back thousands of years. The Australian aboriginal tribes, Native Americans, Indians, African tribes, and Amazonian South American tribes were among the most notable.
Focused Meditation
In their meditative sessions, various meditation methods use sounds from instruments or chants. Tibetan singing bowls are frequently used in Transcendental Meditation (TM). In guided meditations, sound baths have become particularly popular. Vibrations felt throughout the body are included in the exercise, as well as auditory vibrations.
Candidates for Sound Therapy
Individuals with mild to severe medical disorders may benefit from sound therapy, depending on their situation. It has been shown to help with the symptoms of both minor illnesses and more serious injuries. It can also help people who have mobility problems.
Gaining Traction
People seeking novel ways to ease stress and anxiety have turned to sound therapy in recent years. Yoga studios, alternative-healing facilities, and clinical practices that provide sound treatment can be found in most major cities in modern cultures.
Module 2: Benefits of Sound Therapy
Stress has just been identified as a risk factor for disease, according to new studies. As a result, treatments that focus on mind-body relaxation, such as sound therapy, are critical in helping to alleviate stress.
Common Conditions
Sound therapy is used to treat a wide range of medical issues, from minor ailments to more serious illnesses. The following is not an exhaustive list of conditions that are commonly treated with sound therapy.
● Dementia
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Learning Difficulties
Benefits of Sound Therapy
Everyone's experience will be unique, and new symptoms may emerge in addition to those already present. Each session is focused on resolving the recognized issue as well as any potential hidden ones. The goal of a sound healing session is to induce a state of healing and relaxation so that the healing process may begin, or a condition of serenity can be achieved.
Snoezelen Therapy
Alzheimer's sufferers are treated with Snoezelen (or multi-sensory) therapy. Light, sound, fragrances, and music are all examples of multi-sensory experiences. The treatment's goal is to provide clients with a calming setting that may help them heal. Snoezelen therapy is carried out in dedicated rooms where patients engage with sound beams to create music (waves).
Music Therapy
In recent years, the medical establishment and society at large have become increasingly accepting of music therapy. When it comes to stress reduction and mood alteration, music therapy has been proved to be extremely useful. The act of calmly listening has been proved to have numerous health benefits.
Focused Ultrasound (FUS)
FUS is a non-invasive, breakthrough treatment technology. It's a game-changing treatment for a wide range of significant medical conditions, including tumors and fibroids. It's a device that employs sound waves to cure a variety of diseases, both severe and minor. Because the sound waves are non-invasive, outpatient treatment is frequently possible.
Module 3: What Is Sound?
When items vibrate, they produce sound. This vibration is sent to the ears as energy waves. Vibrations travel across a variety of media, including solid, liquid, and gas. Vibrations that are stronger produce louder sounds. The power of the sound is also affected by distance.
How We Hear
The eardrum vibrates as sound vibrations enter the outer ear and interact with it. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup ossicle bones of the middle ear create bigger vibrations within the inner ear, amplifying vibrations entering the ear before they reach the auditory nerve.
How Sound is Formed
A sound is a type of energy that is generated by the vibration of matter. The oscillatory (back-and-forth) movement of matter is known as vibration. When an object vibrates, it causes a chain reaction in the molecules around it. When these molecules collide, their neighbors begin to vibrate as well.
Purpose of Sound
We are constantly surrounded by sound. It irritates us at times. Sometimes we adore it, and sometimes we despise it. The ability to hear noises and the ability to create them are critical for human and animal life. Sound plays an important role in our ability to convey information and learn from one another, for both people and animals.
Influence of Sound
Humans and animals' lives have been shaped by sound and the ability to hear. When our vision is limited at night and our vision is limited, it is our sense of hearing that permits us to detect danger. It is possible for sounds to become unpleasant. Noise is what we call it when this happens. Music, on the other hand, refers to sounds that have an established pattern.
Module 4: The Human Ear
Perceiving Sound
Hearing is controlled by the ear and auditory system, which also contributes to our capacity to maintain balance. Damaged or lost hearing, as well as poor balance, can occur if something goes wrong with the ear. The auditory nerve in the centrum transfers the sound created by vibrating objects to sound waves passing through the air to electrical impulses through a complicated sequence of steps.
The Auditory System
The peripheral (outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear) and central (auditory nerve and connections to the brain) systems make up the auditory system.
● Outer Ear
● Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
● Inner Ear
How the Ear Works
The vibrations of a sound made in the outside environment move to the outer ear. The vibrations travel to the eardrum via the external ear canal. Vibrations are felt in the eardrum. The vibrations go to the middle ear, where they are picked up by the ossicle bones. The sound waves are magnified and transmitted to the inner ear by the small ossicle bones.
The Central Auditory System
The auditory nerve sends electrical signals to the brain, which the brain converts into a sound that humans can distinguish. From the medulla to the cerebral cortex, the central auditory circuits link. They are made up of nuclei (nervous cell bodies) that are joined by fiber tracts made up of their axons. This intricate network of nerve cells aids in the processing and transmission of auditory information.
Module 5: Chakra Energy
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are the body's energy systems. From its Hindu origins, the word "chakra" means "wheel." There are seven major chakras in the body. They go from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The chakras are generally associated with our energetic bodies. Their relationship to the physical body is now understood to be through the endocrine system.
The Endocrine System
Glands make up the endocrine system. These glands create hormones and send them to specific regions of the body to perform specific functions. Each gland is responsible for a different hormone. Some hormones affect mood, while others control growth and reproduction. The gland is in charge of determining when and how much hormone is released into the bloodstream.
● The Root Chakra (Muladhara)
● The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
● The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
● The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
● The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
● The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
● The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Chakra Sounds
Chakras are said to resonate. During therapy sessions, particular vowels or mantras are repeated to elicit a therapeutic reaction. These mantras and chants are thousands of years old and come from the Indian Vedic culture. They are used to align the chakras and remove any obstructions.
Chakras and Associated Mantras
● Root chakra
● Sacral chakra
● Solar Plexus
Module 6: Voice Therapy
What is Voice Therapy?
Language and speech treatment includes voice therapy. It entails the application of a variety of techniques to treat communication and speech impairments. Speech pathologists are the standard term for voice therapists. Their goal is to figure out what causes and influences vocal difficulties, as well as possible treatment options.
What is a voice problem?
Word formation difficulty, loudness, pitch, and flow concerns, pain when speaking, stuttering, and so on are all examples of voice problems. Anything that interferes with one's ability to speak in whole sentences and at a regular pitch is considered a voice problem.
Common Voice Disorders
● Functional voice disorders
● Organic voice disorders
Elements of Voice Therapy
Both direct and indirect strategies are used in voice therapy. Attention and adjustment to posture and alignment, as well as behavioral alterations and cognitive modifications, are examples of indirect approaches. Indirect voice therapy approaches are frequently used with direct voice therapy techniques. Vocal operations, voice prosthesis implants, and breathing techniques are examples of direct techniques.
Chant Speech Voice Therapy
Chanting or chanting-style music provides for the practice and maintenance of a consistent rhythm and pattern. Too high, too low, or gravelly pitch are all common issues. Chant treatment aims to directly affect the condition. Maintaining a constant tone allows the practitioner to gain a better understanding of pitch control. During chant speaking, pitch changes are critical.
Resonant Voice Therapy
Voice production is aided through resonant voice therapy. When singers and actors need to improve their voices, they frequently adopt this therapy. Resonant voice treatment is a technique that minimizes the vibration of the vocal cords against each other in order to begin the healing process and lessen vocal cord stress.
Physiologic Voice Therapy
Physiologic voice therapy is frequently regarded as a comprehensive therapeutic option. The three systems of voice production: resonance, breathing, and phonation are the main focus. This therapy involves modeling and going through recitations, soliloquy, and ordinary speech to practice enunciation. This technique can be utilized to help with abdominal breathing and to relieve unpleasant muscular tensing.
Module 7: Instruments
In this part, we'll look at the instruments that are most commonly used in sound therapy. Healing instruments' sounds can be quite helpful in curing people. The centuries-old practice is backed up by scientific facts. We'll look at four instruments in this unit: gongs, tuning forks, singing bowls, and drums.
Gongs are a form of sound meditation healing instrument that has been around for a long time. Gongs are both a core aspect of sound therapy and an important part of Buddhist meditation. They are performed by a percussionist who uses a mallet or beater to strike the gong. This results in a resonant sound that may be heard as well as felt.
Tuning Forks
This instrument is made of metal and makes sound at a set vibration frequency (pitch). Different sections of the body can be targeted by these vibrations. This technique is intended to aid with emotional balance as well as musculoskeletal discomfort and stress. It pinpoints and stimulates specific locations using sound frequency. The tuning fork is a highly precise instrument.
Singing bowls, often known as singing or healing bowls, are a type of singing bowl. When it comes to sound healing, they're crucial instruments. They're also crucial in Hinduism and Buddhism, among other religions.
Sound therapists also use drum therapy, which is an ancient art form. It encourages self-expression via rhythm and flow. Drumming has been found in studies to improve immune system health and overall well-being. It is a beneficial physical activity because it helps the body to interact with the instrument's vibrations.
Module 8: Complementary Therapies
We'll talk about complementary therapies and how they connect to sound therapy in this part. Complementary refers to a group of objects that work together to improve each other's features. There are several alternative medicine methods that compliment each other nicely. Kinesiology, meridian therapy, and acupuncture are examples of sound therapy.
The study of human movement and how it affects health and well-being is known as kinesiology. In a word, kinesiology examines the body's persistent stress reactions and aids in the body's natural healing capacities. Nervous system disorders can have a negative impact on muscle strength. These issues are reported to be alleviated by kinesiology.
Meridian Therapy
Meridian therapy is concerned with energy, commonly known as Qi. The energetic lines are divided into Yin and Yang, as well as organs. The Qi energetic centers and lines, unlike the blood circulation system, are not tangible. There are twelve meridian channels, as well as major Yin and Yang channels.
Acupuncture is a technique for balancing energies that flow through the body's channels (meridians). The exercise is intended to rebalance the flow of energy. A harmonious balance of energies is the foundation of good health. Acupuncture and sound healing help people de-stress and relax more, as well as break down body stagnation.
Module 9: Sound Therapy Careers
In this section, we'll look at sound therapy careers and significant aspects to think about before starting your path as a sound therapist, such as study options, employment availability, and pay scale.
Sound Healing Careers
The premise of sound healing is that sound and vibrations may heal and transform consciousness. Participants in sound healing training and professional courses will gain the information and skills necessary to masterfully use the tools of the trade. People of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from sound healing. Both the therapist and the client benefit from it.
Certificate and degree programs in sound healing treatment are available. These programs are offered by specialist schools and institutes. Sound healing programs are also being offered at certain traditional schools, including both theoretical and practical instruction. Standard music therapy degrees are available from a variety of colleges, institutions, and universities in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Duration of Study
An associate's degree usually takes two years to accomplish. Bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete. The duration of sound healing programs and courses at specialist institutes varies. Expect to put in around 200 hours of fundamental practice time and course work on average.
Tuition and Salary
Because the training and amount of hours necessary for a program range from one institution to the next, tuition for sound healing courses varies. Tuition is typically between $2,500 and $4,000. Traditional institutions bill students based on the number of credit hours they have taken.
Career Outlook
Alternative care facilities and healing approaches will become increasingly important as the population ages. People are becoming increasingly concerned about medications and their potentially harmful side effects. Sound therapists are a subset of recreational therapists, which is a larger category. They mostly work in hospitals and retirement homes for the elderly.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction
- Sound Therapy
- Types of Brainwaves
- Entrainment
- History of Sound Therapy
- Ancient Roots
- Focused Meditation
- Candidates for Sound Therapy
- Gaining Traction
Module 2: Benefits of Sound Therapy
- Goals
- Common Conditions
- Benefits of Sound Therapy
- Snoezelen Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Focused Ultrasound (FUS)
Module 3: What Is Sound?
- How We Hear
- How Sound is Formed
- Purpose of Sound
- Influence of Sound
Module 4: The Human Ear
- Perceiving Sound
- The Auditory System
- How the Ear Works
- The Central Auditory System
Module 5: Chakra Energy
- What Are Chakras?
- The Endocrine System
- Chakras
- Chakra Sounds
- Chakras and Associated Mantras
Module 6: Voice Therapy
- What is Voice Therapy?
- What is a voice problem?
- Common Voice Disorders
- Elements of Voice Therapy
- Chant Speech Voice Therapy
- Resonant Voice Therapy
- Physiologic Voice Therapy
Module 7: Instruments
- Gongs
- Tuning Forks
- Bowls
- Drums
Module 8: Complementary Therapies
- Kinesiology
- Meridian Therapy
- Acupuncture
Module 9: Sound Therapy Careers
- Sound Healing Careers
- Education
- Duration of Study
- Tuition and Salary
- Career Outlook
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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