About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course and Start Your Shadow Work Journey
You may not be aware of your shadow but it’s present in each of us. It’s that part of you that you refuse to see in yourself, though you may be a little aware of it – your dark side, your personal shadow, your disowned and repressed self - the parts of you that you don't claim as your own. The Shadow Work Practitioner Course aims to guide you on your shadow work journey. Embark on this journey with us to understand your whole self, to develop and grow, and become authentically you, whilst discovering boosts in energy, creativity, and maturity in your perception of both yourself and others. Own your shadow.
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course begins by outlining what shadow work is, its benefits, the dangers of repression, and what you need to be aware of before you start your shadow work journey.
The foundations lain, you’ll be taken through the theory of the practice – looking at Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud’s take on shadow work, with particular focus on Jung and his work.
From here, you’ll move on to modern shadow work theory – discovering how the shadow is formed and how it affects and explains behavior. Jung’s framework of Archetypes is explained – a list of 12 archetypes used to define human behaviors and how the shadow side of each can manifest itself.
With a good comprehension of the theory, you’ll then move onto the practical, as you are guided through the preparations you must make before engaging with shadow work. You’ll learn how to center and ground yourself, practice compassion and self-love, cultivate self-awareness, practice radical honesty, and how to get the assistance you’ll need to start your shadow work journey.
With preparations made, you’ll dive into shadow work – learning a broad range of techniques from both psychological and spiritual perspectives, to help you undertake effective shadow work. You’ll also learn to recognize and understand the blocks you may come up against as you proceed.
After doing considerable shadow work yourself, you may wish to assist others on their journey. The Shadow Work Practitioner Course explains how you can help others, with sections on certification and training, vetting suitable clients, and accountability and support. The course concludes by explaining how to set up a shadow work business – looking at structure, branding, positioning, pricing, marketing and ethics.
Who Would Benefit from This Course?
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course is essential for anyone who wants to delve into, and understand, themselves completely, with the goal of healing, becoming happier, and being more successful. You’ll become conscious of your darkest self and pursue the opportunity shadow works presents for enormous growth, development and personal awakening.
From studying the course, and partaking in your own shadow work, you can go on to follow a career as a Shadow Work Practitioner, either as a sole practice or as an additional healing modality for counselling, psychotherapy, (life, spiritual, and business) coaching, or shamanic healing work.
General Course Overview
This certification course provides comprehensive training on modern shadow work theory. You will learn the definition of shadow and how it is formed, as well as the drawbacks and benefits of shadow. You will discover the dangers of repression and how shadow work can assist with cognitive dissonance.
Throughout the course, you will understand the psychological and spiritual aspects of shadow work. You will learn to integrate shadow work in your coaching or healing practice to assist clients in fulfilling a life of compassion and self-love.
The course covers the structure branding positioning, and pricing of your shadow work business. You will be taught how to create certificates of completion for your clients and go through vetting suitable clients to receive optimal results.
The course also covers shadow work processes, including the Golden Shadow, internal family systems, and voice dialogue. You will learn how to guide clients through guided meditations and assisting them in understanding blocks to shadow work. This course explores the inner critic and inner child, two fundamental aspects of shadow work theory.
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course will teach you about shadow archetypes and how to observe triggers to understand your personal shadow. You will learn how radical honesty is key to owning your faults, and we will explain how the shadow can explain our behavior.
This certification and training will provide you with advanced facilitator training to recognize spiritual bypassing and the dangers associated with it, and this training will teach you how to prepare for shadow work.
Understanding shadow work is integral to improving your emotional and mental health and facilitating lasting change in your life. Completing this course will allow you to become a certified Shadow Work Practitioner and coach to assist others along their journey. With Courses for Success, you can expect an easy-to-understand and informative learning experience that will benefit you and your clients.
Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course - Requirements
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Shadow Work Practitioner Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course Outline
Module 1: What is Shadow Work?
This course would examine what shadow work is, the risks of shadow work censorship, and the advantages and disadvantages of shadow work.
Part 1: Definitions of Shadow Work
Learning Objectives:
● Understand what shadow work is according to various definitions from numerous sources
● Understand what shadow work repression is
● Know why shadow work repression can be dangerous to our wellbeing
● Understand the benefits and drawbacks of shadow work
Definitions of Shadow Work
A Healing Modality
Shadow practice, regardless of the various definitions, is a soothing modality. This means that is a philosophy as well as a collection of strategies that can help people improve their emotional, psychological, and moral well-being.
What Exactly is Shadow Work?
This segment would look at different definitions of shadow work proposed by scholars and laypeople alike.
Part 2: Shadow Work Repression and its Dangers
The term ‘shadow work repression' refers to the belief that everyone is in a state of shadow work repression before they embark on their own shadow work path. In this state, they refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings or troublesome feelings as valuable.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Effects of Shadow Work Repression
● Spiritual Bypassing
Part 3: Benefits and Drawbacks of Shadow Work
Psychological Maturity
It may come as a surprise, but psychological development, or becoming an intellectually and emotionally stable adult, is very unusual. Most humans are biologically immature, with pieces of ourselves split-off yet disowned, and displaying disruptive behavior when activated. They mature mentally as a result of their shadow work.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Better Relationships
● A More Accurate View of the World
● Better Physical Health
● A More Fulfilling Life
● Drawbacks of Shadow Work
Module 2: Jung, Freud and the Shadow
Part 1: Jung and Jung's Shadow
Learning Objectives:
● Be knowledgeable about both Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud
● Understand the work of these thinkers as it relates to the shadow
● Understand the differences between their approaches
Who is Jung?
Jung’s History
Carl Jung was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who is best known for establishing the field of empirical psychology. As a prolific thinker and scholar, he also created seminal work in fiction, archaeology, history, anthropology, and religious studies. He was also a carpenter, artisan, and artist.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Key Ideas in Jung’s work
● Jung’s Shadow
● Definition
● Interacting with the Shadow
● Integrating the Shadow
Part 2: Freud and Jung
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud's friendship was a highly important one that shaped the field of contemporary psychology. They also investigated the human psyche and made significant contributions to the psychological approaches used in psychotherapy today.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Parts of the Mind
● The Unconscious
Module 3: Modern Shadow Work Theory
Part 1: How the Shadow is Formed
Learning Objectives:
● How the shadow is formed
● Shadow as an explanation of behaviour
How the Shadow is Formed
This segment will look at how the shadow is generated.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Starting in ‘Pure Humanity’
● Conditioning
Part 2: Why Does This Happen and What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
Topics to be discussed include:
● Why Does This Happen?
● What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
Part 3: Shadow as an Explanation of Behaviour
Unconscious Behaviour
If they believe they have no control over their behavior and are not otherwise drunk, one of the best places to see the shadow of motion is when they feel they have no control over their behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Idealised Self
● Being highly judgmental
● Being unable to admit fault
● Dehumanising others
● Benefits and Drawbacks of Our Persona
Module 4: The Shadow Archetypes
Part 1: What are Archetypes?
Learning Objectives:
● What archetypes are
● What shadow archetypes are
● What the shadow archetypes mean
What are Archetypes?
Jungian Archetypes
Carl Jung conducted extensive research on the human condition and proposed methods to help us understand it. The Archetypes system was one of the frameworks he developed. Archetypes are universal patterns and representations that are shared by all humans. In reality, the term archetype comes from Ancient Greek and means "initial pattern."
Part 2: The 12 Archetypes and Their Shadows
This segment would look at each archetype and its shadow aspect.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Ruler
● Creator
● Sage
● Innocent
● Explorer
● Rebel
● Hero
● Wizard
● Jester
● Everyman
● Lover
● Caregiver
Module 5: Preparing for Shadow Work
Part 1: Centering and Grounding
Learning Objectives:
● Centering and grounding
● Self-compassion and self-love
● Self-awareness
● Radical honesty
● Assistance
Centering and Grounding
What is Centering?
When doing shadow work, it is critical to center yourself, and acquiring this vital skill will help them avoid undue psychological stress. While no shadow job should be stress-free, they can take steps to help them handle and reduce their stress, and centering is a crucial way to do so.
How to Centre
● Feet Awareness
● Breathing Meditation
● Cord Stance
● Access the King
● The Red Cord
● Take a Cold Shower
● Earthing
Part 2: Compassion and Self-Love
Why Compassion is Necessary for Shadow Work
Make no mistake about it: shadow work can be very dangerous. This is particularly true when it comes to their self-image. They realize they are not who they thought they were when their 'persona' or 'Idealised Selves' crumbles.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Practising Compassion
● Warning
● How to Cultivate Self-Love
● Metta Meditation
● Daily Appreciation
● Nurtured Heart Approach
Part 3: Self-Awareness
Seeing the shadow, an individual must be self-aware, which is the capacity to perceive, focus on, and analyze one's own emotions, opinions, and behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Non-Judgmental Awareness
● Fostering Self-Awareness
Part 4: Radical Honesty and Assistance in Shadow Work
Radical Honesty
It is very daunting to be able to see beyond the persona to see the darkness underneath. Although it will include some fantastic talents, it may also expose them to undesirable behaviors and characteristics they would rather not recognize.
Topics to be discussed include:
● A Unique Spiritual Function
● Assistance in Shadow Work
● Non-Professional Partner
● Professional Partner
Module 6: Shadow Work Techniques I
Part 1: Internal Family Systems – Schwartz
Learning Objectives:
● Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
● Active Imagination (Jung)
Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
Internal Family Systems is an approach developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz that can be used as a shadow work strategy.
Topics to be discussed include:
● About Dr Richard Schwartz
● Internal Family Systems
● IFS and Shadow Theory
● The ‘Step Back’ Method
Part 2: Active Imagination – Jung
Jung, who is widely regarded as the most important contribution to shadow theory, has provided realistic approaches for incorporating the shadow and knowing oneself on a deeper level. Active Imagination is one of them. It is claimed to be founded on ancient rituals used by mystics and other cultures throughout history who wished to improve themselves intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What is Active Imagination?
● The Steps of Active Imagination
Module 7: Shadow Work Techniques II
Part 1: Voice Dialogue
Learning Objectives:
● Voice Dialogue
● The ‘Villain’ method
● Owning our faults and observing triggers
Voice Dialogue
What is Voice Dialogue?
Voice Dialogue is a therapeutic approach in which therapists explore the various aspects of the client's mind by conversing with them.
Topics to be discussed include:
● ‘Selves’
● Carrying Out Voice Dialogue
Part 2: The ‘Villain’ Method
Topics to be discussed include:
● Watching Movies
● Identifying Yourself as Villain
Part 3: Owning Our Faults and Observing Triggers
Owning their flaws and observing causes are two ways they can effectively integrate the shadow without being overwhelmed by it or causing it to destroy their lives.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Observing Triggers
● Taking Responsibility
Module 8: Understanding Blocks to Shadow Work
Part 1: Cognitive Dissonance
Learning Objectives:
● Cognitive dissonance
● Projection
● Rationalisation
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is described as "the confusion felt when two contradictory thoughts or opinions exist in the mind at the same time." This occurs as one's present perspective on the world and oneself is challenged. When new knowledge threatens their worldview, they experience profound underlying frustration.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Cognitive Dissonance and Shadow Work
● ‘Am I Evil?’
Part 2: Projection and Rationalisation
What is Projection?
Projection, also known as 'psychological projection,' is a 'defence' strategy that aims to shield one's self from their shadow by ignoring one's own unconscious attributes and projecting them into someone else.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Positive
● Negative
● Projective Identification
● Rationalisation
● What is Rationalisation?
● Rationalisation and Shadow Work
Module 9: Assisting Others with Shadow Work
Part 1: Your Own Shadow Work
Learning Objectives:
● Your own shadow work
● Certification and training
● Vetting suitable clients
● Accountability and support
Your Own Shadow Work
When clients do their shadow work, they may come across deep pieces of themselves that they have hidden, which can cause them, especially if some of theirs are the same as theirs, so it is critical that they first do their own shadow work.
Regardless of prior shadow work, taking on the role of specialist will add more shadow work to the surface. This is due to the essence of the therapist-client relationship. This would be especially true for those who have never served as a therapist before.
Part 2: Certification and Training
The art of shadow work is not governed by any public bodies. There are, however, measures they can do to ensure you are properly certified and qualified to deliver shadow work effectively, both before and after you start. CPD – Continuing Professional Development – is a term used to describe ongoing teaching.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Therapy Qualifications
● Shadow Work Training
● Your Own Research and Reading
Part 3: Vetting Suitable Clients
When providing shadow work services, they must ensure that the customers they accept are appropriate for the work. Before they provide their services, it is important that their customers grasp the essence of shadow work.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Difficult and Emotionally Painful
● A Solid Base of Self-Esteem
Part 4: Accountability and Support
The Importance of Accountability and Support
Any people believe the therapists/practitioners have it all figured out or have perfected the mental realm. This is completely false. They are human beings who face the same challenges. They have, however, chosen to grow through these difficulties and to pursue training that will allow them to assist others in their own psychological growth path.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Accountability and Support Formats
● Supervisor
● Therapist
Module 10: Setting Up a Shadow Work Business
Part 1: Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
Learning Objectives:
● Structure, branding, positioning and pricing
● Marketing
● Ethics and aftercare
Topics to be discussed include:
● Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
● Structure
● Online vs in-person
● One to one vs group work
● Branding and Positioning
● Pricing
Part 2: Marketing
Local Marketing:
● Get ads or listings
● Write a press release
● Write articles
● Word of mouth
● Directories
● Flyers
● Events
Online Marketing:
● Facebook marketing
Part 3: Ethics
Ethics are extremely important, particularly for a psychiatrist, mentor, or professional.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What are Ethics?
● Ethical Practices
Shadow work is difficult, so make sure to incorporate self-care routines and seek all necessary resources. The material in this course is intended to be effective and effective for all the right purposes.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: What is Shadow Work?
- Introduction
- Part 1: Definitions of Shadow Work
- Part 2: Shadow Work Repression and its Dangers
- Part 3: Benefits and Drawbacks of Shadow Work
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Jung, Freud and the Shadow
- Part 1: Jung and Jung’s Shadow
- Part 2: Freud and Jung
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: Modern Shadow Work Theory
- Part 1: How the Shadow is Formed
- Part 2: Why Does This Happen and What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
- Part 3: Shadow as an Explanation of Behaviour
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: The Shadow Archetypes
- Part 1: What are Archetypes?
- Part 2: The 12 Archetypes and Their Shadows
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Preparing for Shadow Work
- Part 1: Centring and Grounding
- Part 2: Compassion and Self-Love
- Part 3: Self-Awareness
- Part 4: Radical Honesty and Assistance in Shadow Work
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Shadow Work Techniques I
- Part 1: Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
- Part 2: Active Imagination (Jung)
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Shadow Work Techniques II
- Part 1: Voice Dialogue
- Part 2: The ‘Villain’ Method
- Part 3: Owning Our Faults and Observing Triggers
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: Understanding Blocks to Shadow Work
- Part 1: Cognitive Dissonance
- Part 2: Projection and Rationalisation
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Assisting Others with Shadow Work
- Part 1: Your Own Shadow Work
- Part 2: Certification and Training
- Part 3: Vetting Suitable Clients
- Part 4: Accountability and Support
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Setting Up a Shadow Work Business
- Part 1: Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
- Part 2: Marketing
- Part 3: Ethics
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Shadow Work Practitioner Online Certificate Course
"Course was good overall, and it reaffirmed some of the history around this work that I'm familiar with. I look forward to continuing to explore the appropriate ways of applying it in the world." - Clayton G. Verified Buyer.
Our Shadow Work Practitioner Course will teach you what shadow work is, its benefits, the dangers of repression, and what you need to be aware of to start your shadow work journey.
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Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 20 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course and Start Your Shadow Work Journey
You may not be aware of your shadow but it’s present in each of us. It’s that part of you that you refuse to see in yourself, though you may be a little aware of it – your dark side, your personal shadow, your disowned and repressed self - the parts of you that you don't claim as your own. The Shadow Work Practitioner Course aims to guide you on your shadow work journey. Embark on this journey with us to understand your whole self, to develop and grow, and become authentically you, whilst discovering boosts in energy, creativity, and maturity in your perception of both yourself and others. Own your shadow.
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course begins by outlining what shadow work is, its benefits, the dangers of repression, and what you need to be aware of before you start your shadow work journey.
The foundations lain, you’ll be taken through the theory of the practice – looking at Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud’s take on shadow work, with particular focus on Jung and his work.
From here, you’ll move on to modern shadow work theory – discovering how the shadow is formed and how it affects and explains behavior. Jung’s framework of Archetypes is explained – a list of 12 archetypes used to define human behaviors and how the shadow side of each can manifest itself.
With a good comprehension of the theory, you’ll then move onto the practical, as you are guided through the preparations you must make before engaging with shadow work. You’ll learn how to center and ground yourself, practice compassion and self-love, cultivate self-awareness, practice radical honesty, and how to get the assistance you’ll need to start your shadow work journey.
With preparations made, you’ll dive into shadow work – learning a broad range of techniques from both psychological and spiritual perspectives, to help you undertake effective shadow work. You’ll also learn to recognize and understand the blocks you may come up against as you proceed.
After doing considerable shadow work yourself, you may wish to assist others on their journey. The Shadow Work Practitioner Course explains how you can help others, with sections on certification and training, vetting suitable clients, and accountability and support. The course concludes by explaining how to set up a shadow work business – looking at structure, branding, positioning, pricing, marketing and ethics.
Who Would Benefit from This Course?
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course is essential for anyone who wants to delve into, and understand, themselves completely, with the goal of healing, becoming happier, and being more successful. You’ll become conscious of your darkest self and pursue the opportunity shadow works presents for enormous growth, development and personal awakening.
From studying the course, and partaking in your own shadow work, you can go on to follow a career as a Shadow Work Practitioner, either as a sole practice or as an additional healing modality for counselling, psychotherapy, (life, spiritual, and business) coaching, or shamanic healing work.
General Course Overview
This certification course provides comprehensive training on modern shadow work theory. You will learn the definition of shadow and how it is formed, as well as the drawbacks and benefits of shadow. You will discover the dangers of repression and how shadow work can assist with cognitive dissonance.
Throughout the course, you will understand the psychological and spiritual aspects of shadow work. You will learn to integrate shadow work in your coaching or healing practice to assist clients in fulfilling a life of compassion and self-love.
The course covers the structure branding positioning, and pricing of your shadow work business. You will be taught how to create certificates of completion for your clients and go through vetting suitable clients to receive optimal results.
The course also covers shadow work processes, including the Golden Shadow, internal family systems, and voice dialogue. You will learn how to guide clients through guided meditations and assisting them in understanding blocks to shadow work. This course explores the inner critic and inner child, two fundamental aspects of shadow work theory.
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course will teach you about shadow archetypes and how to observe triggers to understand your personal shadow. You will learn how radical honesty is key to owning your faults, and we will explain how the shadow can explain our behavior.
This certification and training will provide you with advanced facilitator training to recognize spiritual bypassing and the dangers associated with it, and this training will teach you how to prepare for shadow work.
Understanding shadow work is integral to improving your emotional and mental health and facilitating lasting change in your life. Completing this course will allow you to become a certified Shadow Work Practitioner and coach to assist others along their journey. With Courses for Success, you can expect an easy-to-understand and informative learning experience that will benefit you and your clients.
Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course - Requirements
The Shadow Work Practitioner Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Shadow Work Practitioner Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Shadow Work Practitioner Online Course Outline
Module 1: What is Shadow Work?
This course would examine what shadow work is, the risks of shadow work censorship, and the advantages and disadvantages of shadow work.
Part 1: Definitions of Shadow Work
Learning Objectives:
● Understand what shadow work is according to various definitions from numerous sources
● Understand what shadow work repression is
● Know why shadow work repression can be dangerous to our wellbeing
● Understand the benefits and drawbacks of shadow work
Definitions of Shadow Work
A Healing Modality
Shadow practice, regardless of the various definitions, is a soothing modality. This means that is a philosophy as well as a collection of strategies that can help people improve their emotional, psychological, and moral well-being.
What Exactly is Shadow Work?
This segment would look at different definitions of shadow work proposed by scholars and laypeople alike.
Part 2: Shadow Work Repression and its Dangers
The term ‘shadow work repression' refers to the belief that everyone is in a state of shadow work repression before they embark on their own shadow work path. In this state, they refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings or troublesome feelings as valuable.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Effects of Shadow Work Repression
● Spiritual Bypassing
Part 3: Benefits and Drawbacks of Shadow Work
Psychological Maturity
It may come as a surprise, but psychological development, or becoming an intellectually and emotionally stable adult, is very unusual. Most humans are biologically immature, with pieces of ourselves split-off yet disowned, and displaying disruptive behavior when activated. They mature mentally as a result of their shadow work.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Better Relationships
● A More Accurate View of the World
● Better Physical Health
● A More Fulfilling Life
● Drawbacks of Shadow Work
Module 2: Jung, Freud and the Shadow
Part 1: Jung and Jung's Shadow
Learning Objectives:
● Be knowledgeable about both Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud
● Understand the work of these thinkers as it relates to the shadow
● Understand the differences between their approaches
Who is Jung?
Jung’s History
Carl Jung was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who is best known for establishing the field of empirical psychology. As a prolific thinker and scholar, he also created seminal work in fiction, archaeology, history, anthropology, and religious studies. He was also a carpenter, artisan, and artist.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Key Ideas in Jung’s work
● Jung’s Shadow
● Definition
● Interacting with the Shadow
● Integrating the Shadow
Part 2: Freud and Jung
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud's friendship was a highly important one that shaped the field of contemporary psychology. They also investigated the human psyche and made significant contributions to the psychological approaches used in psychotherapy today.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Parts of the Mind
● The Unconscious
Module 3: Modern Shadow Work Theory
Part 1: How the Shadow is Formed
Learning Objectives:
● How the shadow is formed
● Shadow as an explanation of behaviour
How the Shadow is Formed
This segment will look at how the shadow is generated.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Starting in ‘Pure Humanity’
● Conditioning
Part 2: Why Does This Happen and What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
Topics to be discussed include:
● Why Does This Happen?
● What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
Part 3: Shadow as an Explanation of Behaviour
Unconscious Behaviour
If they believe they have no control over their behavior and are not otherwise drunk, one of the best places to see the shadow of motion is when they feel they have no control over their behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Idealised Self
● Being highly judgmental
● Being unable to admit fault
● Dehumanising others
● Benefits and Drawbacks of Our Persona
Module 4: The Shadow Archetypes
Part 1: What are Archetypes?
Learning Objectives:
● What archetypes are
● What shadow archetypes are
● What the shadow archetypes mean
What are Archetypes?
Jungian Archetypes
Carl Jung conducted extensive research on the human condition and proposed methods to help us understand it. The Archetypes system was one of the frameworks he developed. Archetypes are universal patterns and representations that are shared by all humans. In reality, the term archetype comes from Ancient Greek and means "initial pattern."
Part 2: The 12 Archetypes and Their Shadows
This segment would look at each archetype and its shadow aspect.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Ruler
● Creator
● Sage
● Innocent
● Explorer
● Rebel
● Hero
● Wizard
● Jester
● Everyman
● Lover
● Caregiver
Module 5: Preparing for Shadow Work
Part 1: Centering and Grounding
Learning Objectives:
● Centering and grounding
● Self-compassion and self-love
● Self-awareness
● Radical honesty
● Assistance
Centering and Grounding
What is Centering?
When doing shadow work, it is critical to center yourself, and acquiring this vital skill will help them avoid undue psychological stress. While no shadow job should be stress-free, they can take steps to help them handle and reduce their stress, and centering is a crucial way to do so.
How to Centre
● Feet Awareness
● Breathing Meditation
● Cord Stance
● Access the King
● The Red Cord
● Take a Cold Shower
● Earthing
Part 2: Compassion and Self-Love
Why Compassion is Necessary for Shadow Work
Make no mistake about it: shadow work can be very dangerous. This is particularly true when it comes to their self-image. They realize they are not who they thought they were when their 'persona' or 'Idealised Selves' crumbles.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Practising Compassion
● Warning
● How to Cultivate Self-Love
● Metta Meditation
● Daily Appreciation
● Nurtured Heart Approach
Part 3: Self-Awareness
Seeing the shadow, an individual must be self-aware, which is the capacity to perceive, focus on, and analyze one's own emotions, opinions, and behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Non-Judgmental Awareness
● Fostering Self-Awareness
Part 4: Radical Honesty and Assistance in Shadow Work
Radical Honesty
It is very daunting to be able to see beyond the persona to see the darkness underneath. Although it will include some fantastic talents, it may also expose them to undesirable behaviors and characteristics they would rather not recognize.
Topics to be discussed include:
● A Unique Spiritual Function
● Assistance in Shadow Work
● Non-Professional Partner
● Professional Partner
Module 6: Shadow Work Techniques I
Part 1: Internal Family Systems – Schwartz
Learning Objectives:
● Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
● Active Imagination (Jung)
Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
Internal Family Systems is an approach developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz that can be used as a shadow work strategy.
Topics to be discussed include:
● About Dr Richard Schwartz
● Internal Family Systems
● IFS and Shadow Theory
● The ‘Step Back’ Method
Part 2: Active Imagination – Jung
Jung, who is widely regarded as the most important contribution to shadow theory, has provided realistic approaches for incorporating the shadow and knowing oneself on a deeper level. Active Imagination is one of them. It is claimed to be founded on ancient rituals used by mystics and other cultures throughout history who wished to improve themselves intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What is Active Imagination?
● The Steps of Active Imagination
Module 7: Shadow Work Techniques II
Part 1: Voice Dialogue
Learning Objectives:
● Voice Dialogue
● The ‘Villain’ method
● Owning our faults and observing triggers
Voice Dialogue
What is Voice Dialogue?
Voice Dialogue is a therapeutic approach in which therapists explore the various aspects of the client's mind by conversing with them.
Topics to be discussed include:
● ‘Selves’
● Carrying Out Voice Dialogue
Part 2: The ‘Villain’ Method
Topics to be discussed include:
● Watching Movies
● Identifying Yourself as Villain
Part 3: Owning Our Faults and Observing Triggers
Owning their flaws and observing causes are two ways they can effectively integrate the shadow without being overwhelmed by it or causing it to destroy their lives.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Observing Triggers
● Taking Responsibility
Module 8: Understanding Blocks to Shadow Work
Part 1: Cognitive Dissonance
Learning Objectives:
● Cognitive dissonance
● Projection
● Rationalisation
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is described as "the confusion felt when two contradictory thoughts or opinions exist in the mind at the same time." This occurs as one's present perspective on the world and oneself is challenged. When new knowledge threatens their worldview, they experience profound underlying frustration.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Cognitive Dissonance and Shadow Work
● ‘Am I Evil?’
Part 2: Projection and Rationalisation
What is Projection?
Projection, also known as 'psychological projection,' is a 'defence' strategy that aims to shield one's self from their shadow by ignoring one's own unconscious attributes and projecting them into someone else.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Positive
● Negative
● Projective Identification
● Rationalisation
● What is Rationalisation?
● Rationalisation and Shadow Work
Module 9: Assisting Others with Shadow Work
Part 1: Your Own Shadow Work
Learning Objectives:
● Your own shadow work
● Certification and training
● Vetting suitable clients
● Accountability and support
Your Own Shadow Work
When clients do their shadow work, they may come across deep pieces of themselves that they have hidden, which can cause them, especially if some of theirs are the same as theirs, so it is critical that they first do their own shadow work.
Regardless of prior shadow work, taking on the role of specialist will add more shadow work to the surface. This is due to the essence of the therapist-client relationship. This would be especially true for those who have never served as a therapist before.
Part 2: Certification and Training
The art of shadow work is not governed by any public bodies. There are, however, measures they can do to ensure you are properly certified and qualified to deliver shadow work effectively, both before and after you start. CPD – Continuing Professional Development – is a term used to describe ongoing teaching.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Therapy Qualifications
● Shadow Work Training
● Your Own Research and Reading
Part 3: Vetting Suitable Clients
When providing shadow work services, they must ensure that the customers they accept are appropriate for the work. Before they provide their services, it is important that their customers grasp the essence of shadow work.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Difficult and Emotionally Painful
● A Solid Base of Self-Esteem
Part 4: Accountability and Support
The Importance of Accountability and Support
Any people believe the therapists/practitioners have it all figured out or have perfected the mental realm. This is completely false. They are human beings who face the same challenges. They have, however, chosen to grow through these difficulties and to pursue training that will allow them to assist others in their own psychological growth path.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Accountability and Support Formats
● Supervisor
● Therapist
Module 10: Setting Up a Shadow Work Business
Part 1: Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
Learning Objectives:
● Structure, branding, positioning and pricing
● Marketing
● Ethics and aftercare
Topics to be discussed include:
● Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
● Structure
● Online vs in-person
● One to one vs group work
● Branding and Positioning
● Pricing
Part 2: Marketing
Local Marketing:
● Get ads or listings
● Write a press release
● Write articles
● Word of mouth
● Directories
● Flyers
● Events
Online Marketing:
● Facebook marketing
Part 3: Ethics
Ethics are extremely important, particularly for a psychiatrist, mentor, or professional.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What are Ethics?
● Ethical Practices
Shadow work is difficult, so make sure to incorporate self-care routines and seek all necessary resources. The material in this course is intended to be effective and effective for all the right purposes.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: What is Shadow Work?
- Introduction
- Part 1: Definitions of Shadow Work
- Part 2: Shadow Work Repression and its Dangers
- Part 3: Benefits and Drawbacks of Shadow Work
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Jung, Freud and the Shadow
- Part 1: Jung and Jung’s Shadow
- Part 2: Freud and Jung
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: Modern Shadow Work Theory
- Part 1: How the Shadow is Formed
- Part 2: Why Does This Happen and What Happens to the ‘Disowned’ Parts?
- Part 3: Shadow as an Explanation of Behaviour
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: The Shadow Archetypes
- Part 1: What are Archetypes?
- Part 2: The 12 Archetypes and Their Shadows
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Preparing for Shadow Work
- Part 1: Centring and Grounding
- Part 2: Compassion and Self-Love
- Part 3: Self-Awareness
- Part 4: Radical Honesty and Assistance in Shadow Work
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Shadow Work Techniques I
- Part 1: Internal Family Systems (Schwartz)
- Part 2: Active Imagination (Jung)
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Shadow Work Techniques II
- Part 1: Voice Dialogue
- Part 2: The ‘Villain’ Method
- Part 3: Owning Our Faults and Observing Triggers
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: Understanding Blocks to Shadow Work
- Part 1: Cognitive Dissonance
- Part 2: Projection and Rationalisation
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Assisting Others with Shadow Work
- Part 1: Your Own Shadow Work
- Part 2: Certification and Training
- Part 3: Vetting Suitable Clients
- Part 4: Accountability and Support
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Setting Up a Shadow Work Business
- Part 1: Structure, Branding, Positioning and Pricing
- Part 2: Marketing
- Part 3: Ethics
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.
Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
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12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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17. What type of certificate will I receive?
will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
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